Water's Refection
Imagine looking into a lake of water on a fresh spring day, or into a quiet stream making its way over branches and rocks, and around snow and ice. Or maybe you are looking into a still pool of water, while children giggle and play Marco-Polo in the shallow end.
No matter the season, the time of day, the type of water or the shape it takes, they all reveal the same thing when you look into it; a reflection.
The water will always reflect back what it sees. It may not be a perfect reflection as the weather conditions and activity of the water will cause ripples or small waves or rings that will distort the image, but it still reflects back what it sees.
In Ephesians 5, water is used to describe the Word:
“For he died for us, sacrificing himself to make us holy and pure, cleansing us through the showering of the pure water of the Word of God”
About 15 years ago, i made this picture of the Bride of Christ being showered with various Words of Scripture as she walks under the awning to meet her Groom!
Our minds are given a cleansing bath by the Word, washed of all the dirt, dust and grime we picked up throughout or day. I imagine the scriptures showering down on me, washing my mind, transforming my soul.
When we look into the waters of Scripture, when we gaze intensely into them, they reflect back onto us, just like other bodies of water. It’s a beautiful picture of being cleansed and transformed to be more Christ-like. To be purified, becoming ready to be the Bride of Christ.
Now imagine being so immersed into the waters of scripture, so deeply in the presence of God as we meet him there, that our face reflects that of Gods? The radiant beauty of the Lord would shine brightly on our faces as we climb back down the mountain like Moses did on Mount Sinai, to be among the people who are waiting for us. They would actually see the glory of God on us. How cool is that?
What would it be like if we were now completely submerged in the scriptures? We’d come back up wet with the Word dripping off our hair, our clothes, leaving a trail of puddles and droplets of truth behind us for others to splash through. For others to follow and find as we walk from place to place. People would become curious and intrigued…they may even follow us all the way to God!
One final thought… sometimes we think we need to simply read the scriptures and our ticket is punched, our deed is done. But in doing so, we never get wet. Never get messy, never get cleaned, purified, transformed… We would never leave behind those droplets of truth for others to find and follow to Jesus. But what if:
“The goal is not for us to get through the Scriptures. The goal is to get the Scriptures through us….What matters is not how many words we memorize, but what happens to our minds as we immerse them in Scripture”
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