Psalm 23: Sheep in the Snowy Valley Watercolor 9x12
Psalm 23: Sheep in the Snowy Valley Watercolor 9x12
Inspired by Psalm 23, and painting #3 of the Psalm 23 Collection, this watercolor is 9x12 on Arches Hot Press Watercolor Paper.
The valley is a dangerous place for sheep, especially in the winter. But they need to walk through it sometimes to get to the next grazing pasture. If a sheep falls over or is injured, they can’t get up and will die without help. They need an attentive shepherd to watch for all the sheep to make it safely through. This gives the sheep the comfort and security knowing they are safe and loved by the shepherd and they trust him to guide them through dangerous territory.
“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4
The shepherd uses a rod to help guide them along the path and keep one from wandering off in search of something more exciting but potentially dangerous.
The staff has a hook that the shepherd can use to rescue a sheep by hooking around them and pulling them out of water or some other place they may get stuck.
Knowing more about shepherds and sheep has made Psalm 23 even more rich! Phillip Keller, a shepherd and author, wrote beautifully about the meanings in psalm 23 in his book “A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23”